

Member Registration

I. The email is registered in previous registrations and not able to register with it.

1. Check whether the email is correct. If not, modify it. If yes, please provide another email and register again.

2. Please choose to log into the previous account registered with this email. If the password is forgotten, please retrieve the password by following the retrieval procedure.

II. Does the mailbox registered have to be my own?

The registration mailbox is not only the account for your login, but also functions for you to receive emails when retrieving the password, verifying the identification, receiving safety information and other relevant notices. Please provide the correct mailbox and make sure it works normally.

III. It doesn’t work when clicking on the registration button and trying to submit registration information.

It might be caused by:

1. Incomplete registration information;

2. Wrong registration information;

3. Network delay.

The following methods can help finalize registration:

1. Modify the registration information and submit again;

2. Refresh the page and submit the information again;

3. Try another browser or submit later.

If you still cannot register normally, please contact the customer service at;